Week 5 3/06/2016
Title of drawing: "Disobedience and Confusion" (Genesis 11:1-9) Artist thoughts: When we rely too much on what we are good at and not on the fact that God is the author and designer of our talents and abilities we glorify ourselves and relieve God from the very solemn responsibility of directing our lives. Pride is the fuel to a self-destructive lie. In Genesis 9:1 God's people were told to "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth." Instead, because they were such talented collaborators, they chose to stay together and collectively build a name for themselves; not a name that glorifies God. Their pride overshadowed the importance of God and his will; his commands and his plans. They chose success in a thing rather than worship of the living God. This "look what I can do" mentality became more powerful than asking God, "what should I do". God knows that we will all grow weary with the pleasure of things BUT when we find pleasure in the Creator we will enjoy an inexhaustible novelty in him and his ways. Proverbs 16:9 says, "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps." God dispersed them by confusing their language but later he would gather all nations through the manipulation of languages at Pentecost. Let's not spend our time here on earth doing something God has not called us to do. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14, HCSB View the time lapse video HERE. Listen to the sermon HERE. |