Week 37 1/29/2017
Title of drawing: "A Place at the Table" (Mark 14, John 13 -14) Artist Thoughts: In remembrance of him, Jesus asks us to serve, to wash feet, to invite and to prepare a place at the table for one another, even for those who would harm us. Once again we see an upside down kingdom pattern. Mark 9:35 states, "If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all, and servant of all." For those who follow him and identify as the body of Christ through his sacrifice, Jesus not only sets the example to follow, he even demonstrates how God may intend to equip and employ us to share his love and saving grace to the world. When Jesus takes the bread: We see that we are never merited by our own works, God accepts us by grace through faith in his son. As we cling to his grace we realize He too has taken hold of us. (Matthew 10:32) When Jesus blesses the bread: We see that everything we have is a gift. His blessings provide healing, nourishment, and provision leading to transformation. When Jesus breaks the bread: We see that transformation. Something comfort could never accomplish. Maybe applied as pruning, humbling, submission to his word, or equipping so that we can share what we have so mercifully and graciously received. We're forgiven so that we can forgive. When Jesus gives the bread: We see that identifying with him transforms our "us or them" mentality into an "us for "them". So can we ask ourselves: To whom can we be his invitation to this incredible love? To whom can we be a blessing that reveals God's rich love for them? To whom can we forgive and serve because of the mercy and grace we have received? How and to whom is Jesus giving us to others? Listen to the sermon here: View the time lapse video here: |