Week 33 11/13/2016
Title of drawing: "His Crown" (Matthew 18, 19; Mark 10; Luke 18) Artist thoughts: Children are part of our lives, not obstacles to living. We can learn so much about God's love for us through the authenticity of children. Often times I find myself on the receiving end as I attempt to help my children understand who God says they are, how they have a place in God's heart, and inherently have a value far greater than I can explain. God has a plan and purpose for the lives of our children and, by God's grace, we get to participate in their discovery story. God wants what is best for us and that best, is God himself. If we want what is best for our children we must introduce them to God and model his love for them. It's wonderfully mysterious and beautiful to discover that the creator of life itself deeply loves you. Our relationship with God must be a priority. We can not teach what we do not know and we can not give what we do not have. God's provision and grace fills in our imperfections transforming us into who we need to be for our children. Admission and confession of these gaps become God's opportunity to demonstrate His never ending, forever patient, always and forever love for us. Our commitment to our children starts with our commitment to our Heavenly Father. Together we grow and glorify him crowning him the Lord of all. Listen to sermon here: |